Physical Logistics Intern

Zahra Sadiq


Internship (1 Month+)

Physical Logistics is an area I knew nothing about prior to my placement, and getting to see this key part of manufacturing in action was unexpected and interesting. There are many different processes involved to ensure operations run smoothly and with minimal risk. What initially surprised me was how supportive everyone was. I had to learn everything from scratch. My colleagues were patient and ensured that I felt no pressure, so I was able to learn at my own pace and always felt part of the team. I enjoy working at the BMW Group because of the work culture. It’s always encouraged to be innovative and not to hold back any ideas you may have. Everything you have to say is important and taken into consideration, regardless of your role. This has consistently motivated me to become the best version of myself at work. My advice to anyone considering or starting an internship would be to not be afraid to try something new; if you’re given an opportunity to do something – take it

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