Analyst - Actuarial

Matthew Chang


Placement (10 Months+)

Matthew Chang – Analyst, Actuarial, Winchester office


7 AM - My Morning Routine

My typical morning is designed to maximize productivity. To get into the right mindset for the day, I start with breakfast and my skincare routine, followed by an hour of study to stay ahead in my actuarial professional exams. Once that's done, my commute is a leisurely 15-minute stroll through Winchester High Street to the office.

9 AM - My Biggest Priority

Upon arriving at the office, I tackle the most urgent tasks. As a pensions actuarial consultant, each day brings diverse challenges, from data preparation for insurance transactions to funding negotiations, and GMP rectification and equalisation.

11:30 AM - Emails and News

Addressing any emails received in the morning or over the weekend is my late-morning focus. I prioritize tasks from these sessions by urgency and importance. Additionally, I utilise LCP’s SharePoint to stay abreast of the latest pension news and monitor other sources for market changes.

12 PM - Check-In with Client Teams

Later in the morning, I reach out to client teams for updates on projects. This is crucial to ensure that projects stay on track and any concerns are addressed promptly. This typically involves work for a variety of trustee and corporate clients, keeping the rest of my week engaging.

1:00 PM - Lunch

I spend my lunchtime with colleagues at the Hub or on Saint Paul's terrace, which offers a stunning view of Winchester. This is the perfect opportunity to recharge for the afternoon and enjoy some social time with the team. Our lunchtime table tennis matches are competitive and provide a fun escape from work.

2:00 PM - Work, Work, Work

My afternoons may include attending LCP's training sessions on the latest pension-related news or progressing client work. My role involves both execution and oversight, demanding a thorough understanding of each task's requirements.

5:00 PM - Reviewing the Day

Once meetings and client work conclude, I diligently log my timesheet and plan the next day’s tasks. After a final check of my email inbox and updates from teams, I sign off for the day and unwind in the evening.

Post work

Post-work activities often involve a group of us heading to the weekly racket club where tennis, squash, or badminton are on the agenda. Alternatively, we rally the LCP football team for matches against local clubs. On days when sports aren't scheduled, we indulge in cultural outings like theatre visits, quizzes, informal 'networking' pub trips, or the sheer delight of making and eating our own pizza!

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