An excellent 13 months away from University I chose to extend my placement an extra month at the end and didnt regret it I was able to gain lots of really relevant and valuable experience which I can both apply to university studies and future empl
My time at Lockheed Martin was highly insightful and I learnt about how a business functions from first hand experience
Fascinating industry and company Really enjoyed learning throughout the year you have the opportunity to learn so much Only slight drawback is that being a defence company there is a lot of red tape and some tasks can be painfully slow to complete
Overall I really enjoyed my placement at Lockheed Martin there is a friendly atmosphere and all the work carried out on site is very engaging and interesting
I really learned alot about the company I felt integrated into the team and supported by my manager I have taken away skills for life
I was given the opportunity to work on what I felt most comfortable with and at my own pace My manager ensured that I could try different aspects of the programme that I was working on
Interesting job with great coworkers Not a lot of emphasis on training and skills development just getting on with the job but still very enjoyable and I have still gained a lot from it
At the start It felt like I was thrown into the deep end but once you get the hang of the work you understand everything well Im glad I was treated just like any other employer
Felt like a real member of the team with a real job Never felt like I was just the intern getting the rubbish tasks
The placement was a great opportunity to put into practice some of the skills learn during university This was not just limited to academic but other skills such as communication too
At first it was really hard to get a hang of all the business processes and the fast pace of work but once I knew what I was doing it became a lot easier to understand and even teach others
It was a good and varied experience that meant I was given varied roles and responsibilities that I felt have really developed my skills
The company made you feel welcome and settled I was also pushed to take part in complicated tasks which I enjoyed
I had a fantastic time during my placement year and feel that I have made a some great friends from the experience Throughout the year I took part in many activities charity events go karting airsoft outside of work and the atmosphere within work wa
I had a great year working for Lockheed martin the people were great to work with and I look forward to returning in the future