Throughout the placement scheme I consistently liaised with my trainee buddy and supervisor for work The work primarily consisted of legal and administrative tasks eg proofreading contracts writing newsletter emails and researching niche legal conc
The placement scheme gave me deep insight into life as a commercial lawyer I undertook several trainee tasks such as drafting documents conducting legal research preparing bibles and document reviews I sat in two different practice areas each week and
You spend each day doing a mix of talks put on by graduate recruitment and tasks given to you by your supervisor trainee buddy or other department members The tasks can vary but normally include research drafting of or checking documents and contributi
Day to day involved tasks that would typically be set to a trainee such as preparing a research document or assisting with bundling for example We also attended many talks throughout the week such as talks on specific practice areas or on legal tech
Along with departmental talks I sat in two different departments one for each week and fortunately was given two of the three which I had requested seats in In each department I did work for trainees associates and sometimes partners depending on wh
Throughout my placement scheme I was given various tasks by my trainee buddy department and supervisor that commercial lawyers do on a daily basis Some of these tasks included writing minutes from meetings researching legislation applicable for our de
The placement involved talks introducing us to the firm and its practice groups with a heavy emphasis on the roles of a trainee and the life of a junior lawyer In the weeklong placements we were allocated a supervisor and trainee buddy with whom we li
Basically do any task the trainee buddy or the associate supervisor gives you Task differs on what seat you are in They can vary from reviewing documents to compiling documents Plenty of seminars in the morning Almost every day actually
Either seminars hosted by current solicitors at the firm or sitting in one of the firms department and undertaking work for your assigned supervisor and buddy and others in the department if needed
I completed legal research and drafted legal documents for 2 different departments
Assisted with research and required legal tasks
The trainees or qualified lawyers would provide real work to be completed This was very varied across the two practice seats including research drafting and proofreading There were many organised talks structured throughout the two weeks to learn mor
Sat in MIT and corporate finance Helped trainees associates with their work so it varied everyday
We sat in two different practice areas completing trainee type tasks such as researching points of law filing and attending meetings It was a great opportunity to experience a varied range of work in a number of practice areas
I sat in Commercial Litigation in week 1 and Real Estate and Projects in week 2 I attended various talks and workshops about the different practice areas I had a supervisor who was an associate and they set me work to do which were typical of a trainee
The twoweek scheme was a highly informative and enjoyable experience Alongside completing work for feeearners the scheme was neatly structured with talks networking events and presentations all highlights Each day was very different adding to the
The insight involved sitting in two practice areas and engaging in a variety of tasks This enabled me to get a good understanding of the trainee role and the life of a solicitor Sessions were held throughout the scheme that provided a good insight into
I sat in two different practice areas We were assigned a trainee buddy and a supervisor We got stuck in and helped the lawyers on tasks such as reviewing drafting and researching
Sitting in two different seats across the two weeks Completed a range of tasks from drafting to researching whilst also attending various department talks across the firm