This was a two week summer internship I was allocated to a different department each week I was assigned a supervisor in each department who gave me tasks to do including research completing case notes legal drafting preparing documents for court an
Sat in two departments during the two weeks attended talks and workshops about different aspects of the firm completed work set by your supervisor and attended socials
On the first day we had talks from partners associates and trainees at the firm about their experiences and how they got to Simmons along with talks on areas that made Simmons unique such as their ESG sector and Simmons Solutions We also had social eve
I received different tasks from members of the department I was sitting in There were also a lot of socials and informative sessions about the firm
Mix of informative sessions and tasks set by department supervisor and trainee buddy Opportunities for client contact and networking with people within the firm
During the week I sat in the Funds department Every vac schemer gets assigned a trainee buddy and supervisor usually an associate There was a good mixture of graduate recruitment events such as introduction to Legal Tech department time and socials
Involved in day to day tasks such as due diligence attending client meetings drafting agreements etc
A typical day involves completing assigned departmental work alongside attending designated vacation scheme sessions social events and group task meetings Sessions covering topics such as ESG Diversity amp Inclusion pro bono legal technology and
Two weeks of experiencing real client projects and assisting under supervision of your Supervisor and a Trainee Buddy As well as the work there were many scheduled workshops and sessions to get immersed in the culture at Simmons These were all really
During the scheme I spent time working in two different departments conducting a range of tasks to meet business needs This included contract and term sheet drafting research tasks and case chronologies Students on the scheme were also invited to
The vacation scheme was welldesigned We were able to choose the two seats we wanted to go to in advance within a twoweek period and we were treated like real trainees The work may vary depending on the seat but in general it included reviewing docum
We had a number of sessions and talks to attend each day helping us to get to know more about the firm and their culture and the process of becoming a trainee We would then be sat in two departments one each week and get set tasks to complete by your s
The first day consisted of a variety of workshops and talks and the second day was shadowing a trainee associate at the firm
There were several talks given on subjects such as the nature of the work that the firm was involved in as well as the firm environment Everyone was very friendly within the firm and ensured there was enough time to answer questions of which there were
The first day was mostly talks and networking with a social at the end of the day We were each allocated to a department based on our preferences on the second day
First day was a series of interactive presentations The sessions were very creative and entertaining and we got to do group exercises and learn through hands on activities This included client pitching ESG risk assessments and puzzle solving Second d
Really insightful scheme giving you a genuine insight into the firm that cannot necessarily be found online The second day provided really good experience with a trainee solicitor
Two day scheme with the first day involving classroom based talks exercises and group activities Second day involved sitting in a chosen department and completing work with a trainee
During the Vacation Scheme we spent the days working with our Trainee Buddy and Supervising Associate in a specific department engaging in a variety of extremely interesting talks from different members of the firm and taking part in social activities
I was given typical trainee work by my supervisor to complete throughout the day and had the opportunity to ask others in the department if they could send me work to do We probably had from 24 hours of talks per day organised by grad recruitment and th