The Business of Law week is an award winning program for all the right reasons The innovation organization and effort put into providing future trainees insights into the futurefacing firm that is CMS is truly incredible Being an internal applicant
For my Business of Law week tasks included presentations business simulations client meetings and networking
The first week was focused on the Business of Law and gave a great insight into how the firm operates as a business For example there were group tasks such as a ComplexCity Simulation and Innovation Den Presentation which were very fun to get inv
On a day to day basis there were different activities on different days of the Business of Law week including a simulation exercise in teams multiple opportunities to get to know people at the firm and upskill ourselves in terms of public speaking well
Sessions covering various aspects of the business of law These included panel discussions with CMS lawyers a teambased simulation task a group presentation and a client dialogue
Assisting in legal matters as well as attending sessions designed to develop relevant soft skills Interact with lawyers at all levels of seniority as well as numerous support staff
During the business of law week we were involved a wide range of tasks from group presentations talking to clients and networking with people from CMS
The first week of the internship consisted of a quotBusiness of Lawquot week which was designed to create a real life impression of the relationship between business and law We got involved in real life client dialogue presented as part of an innov
The Business of Law programme was a one week virtual programme with various activities These included presentations given by senior members of the firm and also interactive simulation activities There was also the opportunity to take part in QampA ses
The first week was labelled the Business of Law During this I attended sessions on a range of topics led by people internal and external to CMS For example I met with plenty of senior figures at CMS who were lawyers and business administrative sup
Taking part in timetabled sessions Interactive workshops usually involving teamwork
Thus far we have completed the Business of Law week which was a number of individual and group activities as well as talks and QampA
On the business of law week we had a variety of exercises and sessions We had presentation skills sessions we met with clients we did a business simulation in groups we had a charity presentation and idea session and then we also had an innovation d
Business of Law Week Logging into Zoom 915 or 10 depending on YogaCoffee morning Different activities and talks each day ranging from DampI ESG Meet the Firm etc Break Out rooms to discuss and reflect
My role for the first week was collaborating on projects presentations and networking in the Business of Law week My next two weeks involved working in the Corporate Transactions team where I was partnered with a trainee buddy who supported me throughou
One week Business of Law internship with a variety of activities including individual tasks group presentation and discussions Opportunities to talk to employees at the firm at all levels including Partners Associates and Trainees and ask questions Se
Each day would have different sessions that we had to attend such as networking sessions insight sessions and sessions to do with CSR We also had team exercises and meetings including a team simulation and a team innovation exercise alongside a client d
Group projects Presentations Career talks Opportunity to network with real clients
The first week was a Business of Law week followed by a two week internship at the office of your choice
A variety of virtual tasks group work presentations and meetings with clients We also had presentations that provided us with hints and tips for working in law