It was a struggle but i think the experience was worth its weight in gold Learnt so much about myself about attitude motivation selftalk If you want to learn something about any of those then this internship teaches you them in shades
It was a very challenging but highly rewarding summer internship
in spite of being a though work it was occasionaly fun
it has its pros and cons hard work but you can help families and make some money
I definately felt this was a unique experience which you cant get anywhere else However with the experience there is also a lot of financial risk on the student
The placment was both mentally and physically challenging although from what I learnt and the people I met i feel it was definately worth it
Hard summer coming back for a second year thought it would be easier but it wasnt With the right expectations the second summer you learn so much more and make a lot more money
This is a strange question because it was a struggle in the sense it was the hardest thing I ever did and I wouldnt say I enjoyed it but it was still the best job I could have ever done
An amazing live experience
it was awesome
working long hours 12 per day and doing doortodoor
It was the hardest thing I have ever done but very worthwhile putting in the effort for all the rewards
Was challanging but deffinitely worth it
It was very challenging An overall positive experience and would definitly recomment it to those who are eager for new challenges
It was hard but rewarding
I did not enjoy the job itself but the skills i learnt and the feeling at the end certainly made it worthwhile
Loved it It was the most challenging experience of my life and not something I ever thought Id do but so glad I did
Very hard work very little free time Rewarding at times though