Southwestern Advantage Latest Reviews

Independent Contractor
- Southwestern Advantage
- Internship (1 Month+)
Make no mistake a Southwestern summer is tough tough work It requires discipline and commitment Some days were great meeting lovely families selling lots of books others were mentally tough to the point where you will want to cry and quit

First Year Dealer/Sales Manager
- Southwestern Advantage
- Internship (1 Month+)
This job was probably the single most rewarding role I have undertaken for my personal development and chance of future employment The techniques I learnt can be applied to any and every profession and situation possible The job itself is a difficult

Student Manager
- Southwestern Advantage
- Internship (1 Month+)
There are times when I hated the intership and times when I really love ewverything about it It pushes you to the limited but you grow so so much Ive done it 3 years in a row and I am going back for a 4th summer But honestly its really tough