The internship was an opportunity to experience a real work environment and eliminated any preconceptions about working life Microsoft is great
Loads as I was able to do things outside of my job role and the intern social network is so much fun
Great Experience would recommend to any aspiring professional
I learnt more in my year on placement than I did during 2 years of university its been amazing
It was amazing I got involved in so many project across the business and gained a lot of new skills Its a great company to work for
Thoroughly enjoyed my work placement I feel that I have gained skills for life I have had many amazing opportunities such as attending gamescom in Germany and many Xbox Events It was particularly exciting to be involved with launch of the Xbox One
I loved that what I did had an impact on the business and my opinion counts
Ive had a great year great place to grow the skills you learn at university
The start of the placement was very challenging however after 3 or 4 months into the placement I found my feet and really loved the role I worked in Microsoft provided an enormous amount of flexibility to do projects outside of my role and my team gave
Hands on experience with the latest and greatest technologies Also gained great insights in customer facing roles
My year at Microsoft has been the best year of my life I have worked with such lovely people that have given me such great opportunities and I cant thank them or Microsoft enough
It was a great experience and a very valuable learning experience
I have enjoyed my time at Microsoft I have learnt lots It may not be the the company I see myself working at in the future but that is mainly down to what I want to do is not on offer here rather then the year not being amazing
really valuable
My year was a great journey which I have fully enjoyed and would never change for any other experience Looking back to my start of the internship I had 12 months full of unique moments ahead of me an experience where you look forward to your day at wo
Very fun environment to work in and I learned more here than I ever thought I would The people are great the facilities are cool and it was really good feeling professional this year