Really enjoyable Investment banking is renowned for being hard work but Rothschilds people is what turns it into such a great experience The three days flew by
Useful challenging and fun
Really enjoyable overview and insight into both Global Financial Advisory and Rothschild as a company
I was expecting the ten weeks to be hard work and it truly was That said I genuinely felt that I was an actual employee rather than an intern
Very good experience
The overall experience far exceeded my expectations and was very enjoyable The work itself was interesting and the people in the office must be some of the nicest in the industry
I was definitely stretched with my work load and the by the challenges set but the team were largely very kind and approachable which made being in the office enjoyable
Overall it was a great learning experience I enjoyed the nature of work that I did the extent to whcih I was involved in the project and the mentoring and help I received during my internship
This was my first job at a corporate firm But I felt at home Both my team and the HR were very accommodating and helpful