Listening to many practice area talks corporate banking litigation and more Visited JP Morgan and engaged in a trading activity had a tour and a networking lunch
A thoroughly enjoyable experience which involved a mix of practice area presentations research tasks and social activities I was supervised by an associate for each week of the scheme and provided with helpful feedback throughout I had the opportunity
Lots of informative sessions daily about different practice areas super friendly lawyers willing to offer advice over a coffee one research task to complete across each week
We attended sessions that provided insights into the Firm039s committees and practice areas We completed research tasks and adhoc tasks from our teams
On a daytoday basis I was involved in research tasks networking practice area presentations developed commercial awareness and experienced the most welcoming and inclusive corporate culture
Working on a research task attending panel presentations and going on coffee chat
Around two to four hours spent each day in various workshops and case studies related to respective practice areas In between each session we spent time in our practice team with our supervisor We rotate across two practice areas that we submit prefere
Insightful Talks research task extra legal work
We sat with our supervisors for the bulk of the day working on research tasks The rest of the day was filled with coffees with trainees and informational sessions as well as networking lunches on most days The scheme culminated with an interview and c
On each day we typically had 23 sessions in which different teams shared information about their practice area and what you could expect as a trainee We were also set a research task based on the team we were sat in each week which we received feedback
Work and networking
Research Tasks Assignment given each week by Supervisor to be assessed at the end of the scheme Departmental Presentations amp Case Studies Firm Specific Presentations
I completed real work a research task attended presentations and networked with lawyers
This was a very varied scheme We had to do a research task in each seat There were many networking opportunities and practice area panels which educated us on the different services the firm offers
The vacation scheme was an amazing insight into the firm enabling me to sit in two teams over the 2 weeks While I was set an assessed task each weekI was afforded flexibility to obtain live work from any teams I was interested in The work was very si
I was exposed to the firms work and practice areas completed a research task and spoke to lawyers who worked at the firm
I sat in 2 separate seats during my time PE and SF I was engaged in looking at documents and listening to calls
Talks from different departments completing research tasks shadowing supervisor lawyers networking events
Conducting research and collecting knowyourclient documentation Reviewing travel reports for Posted Workers Directive and Brexit issues that a lawyer may face with their mobility and practicing rights Drafting secondment documentation using precedents
I deal with conducting AntiMoney Laundering checks on ProBono clients at the firm and refreshing any KYC on existing clients after three years I also create disable and maintain insider lists at the firm by collecting the necessary information Mon