I really enjoyed my placement as it provided me with valuable information on this industries requirements and how it works I got to talk and have Q A sessions with leadeing experts in the electricity transmission area They tried to provide us with a
It was good seeing a new side of the business however support was lacking
I felt that while I learnt a lot from where I was and much of it was interesting there were times I had nothing to do and none of what I learnt will help me in my degree in September
I heavily enjoyed the project the experience and the opportunity that National Grid provided me with To have had 7 site visits in 2 months and the responsibility for a real issue within the company was fantastic The project was challenging and had real
Challenging work meeting lots of interesting professionals and some very informative site visits
It was very insightful as we were provided with many technical presentations and lots of worthwhile site visits It was amazing seeing the depth of engineering involved within the industry and really made me appreciate what I learnt in university was genu
It was an interesting experience learning about the day to day workings of a huge company like National Grid and although some of the tasks were fairly mundane it was fun going on site visits and seeing what goes on behind the scenes
The placement has been good although more technical engineering work would have improved it further as I find the work my team do very interesting
I enjoyed the feeling of doing something new and learning all about a system I had never encountered before However the work itself was at times rather tedious but that is due to me not being qualified enough to take on more work
I really enjoyed the variety of work available within my work placement As I was working on a project periodically work requirements would differ significantly
Challenging and interesting job role with real responsibiliries
With National Grid there are loads of opportunity to travel arround the country on work Which can be enjoyable
I have learnt loads and its been brilliant I have been able to meet so many people and see different projects from a business perspective The opportunities have been fantastic and you could get invovled as much as you liked
I enjoyed my Placement and felt positive and motivated about my role and responsibilities each and every day
was a really great company to work for
It was exciting at first but after it became quite repetitive and I felt I was not allowed to do the best I could do Had little control over what I did during the year and was left up to the managers to place me where ever they needed the help rather tha
I found the placement very useful both in terms of knowledgeskills gained and supporting my postuniversity career
Good placement National Grid inductions could use some updating