My role was mainly shadowing and talking to those more senior to understand more about this line of service
Overall you were mostly shadowing an employee and speaking to professionals in that sector You are also given access to the internal network so can have a look at their platforms to see what It would be like if you were to work there The first day also
I was able to meet a number of workers that provided me with firsthand experience of working under PwC These sessions were very insightful and motivating for me as I have become more interested to work with the company in the future The work buddy that
I was given a timetable which included many virtual calls to join where Id listen to talks about different areas in the Deals department or get involved in activities
So for this programme we had to shadow work professionals and were able to have an insight of the daily tasks one would face in your chosen line of service
The programme involved having mentors from the line of service who you would shadow during meetings gaining opportunities to network gaining an insight into the company and the different clients they work with Over the 3 days you also had downtime to l
It was a really good experience to get more insight into day in a life of auditor by meeting with associates and work shadowing along the day Some of the activities involved was having chat with associates that had the same process like we did It was re
Collaboration active listening engagement presenting
Attended talks by different members of the team and supported my mentor in her project
The insight involved shadowing senior managers during client meetings and also working with them on tasks that had been set daytoday Some of these tasks involved learning specific Excel commands that are commonly used on the job as well as preparing fo
Meeting people in the industry associates managers and directors shadowing
Having meetings catchups with tax associates from different tax departments and asking questions about how they got to their position what they do what pwc offers etc
Involved shadowing different employees from one specific line of service auditing Carry out tasks using excel to assist other colleagues Interviews and meetings with different employees including directors managers amp senior associates Va
We shadowed consultants worked on a case study and presentation and talked in small groups to employees in various fields
Shadowing various employees from different educational backgrounds and learning about their role and journey in PwC
I got to shadow an audit employee I got to see actual auditing take place and got to have a go on an excel spreadsheet myself I had around 3 meetings arranged every day There was an introduction up until lunch on the first day
The insight was great I gains a lot of useful advise and the career path from my buddy I also know the employees who work on the branch that I want to apply In here we need to shadow with different team member every day
We had many shadowing events everyday and also had tasks from our mentor to do
The 3 day virtual programme involved 11 calls with people working at PwC as well as shadowing opportunities within different lines of services
Over the three days you are scheduled onto group calls with different teams within your chosen service line who talk about what they do and answer your questions You are also assigned a mentor who you shadow and complete some tasks that go towards a real