The internship is a very well structured way to spend the summer before your final year of university I was exposed to different areas of the industry and was able to spend the majority of my time on the desk where I expressed the most interest Altoge
Really insightful and a good way to see what a career in banking is really like not so keen on the early mornings personally but had a really fantastic experience
Fairly simple but relevant
Great job great responsibility level Learnt a great deal about Risk and the companys exposure in terms of risk and finance
Once aclimatised this internship allows you the opportunity to develop your autonomy within a professional organisation and balances self reliance with working in a team and recieving help The very fact it streches the traditional capacities asked of you
Very good experiance and great learning experiance Great to get direct exposure to different departments and to learn more about the bank structure and responsabilities of different positions
Days varied from being overloaded with work to those which were quite uneventful The department I worked in was extremely interesting and I didnt know that it existed I got on well with my line manager and improved my knowledge regading the balance she
I was placed in a team called Risk Systems Strategy As a strategy team all of my collegues had been at the bank for a long time and had sound knowledge of the risk systems used necessary for such a role It meant that coming into the team with no expe
Some days seemede very long others flew by very dependent on the quality and quantity of work that I eceived
I had the best summer working with Lombard part of the RBS Group I was challenged learnt lots of new things and meet some motivational people
The people were really friendly and the work was very interesting It was a difficult transition from uni life to working long days every week
I enjoyed working at RBS Commerical banking I gained a genuine insight into the operations of small businesses and as an economist it was interesting to get a view of the economy from a micro level
Fantastic internship have done one before and was really impressed by this
Tough at times but overall a great experience
I have thoroughly enjoyed my placement it is a once in a lifetime expericne that I would reccommend to any student
The work was enjoyable and interesting Initially the training week was good in terms of useful skills learnt that were not taught as part of my degree at University and the training I was given in the department was also very useful once I actually st
I worked within Lombard which is the capex funding arm of the RBS Thoroughly enjoyed working here and found the people extremely supportive