Over two days I met amazing other people on the course and there was a very motivated and inspiring atmosphere We completed various development sessions and activities all aimed at improving teaching skills
We had fascinating sessions about personal development teaching and diversifying the curriculum Presented a mini lesson and received tailored onetoone feedback Participated in debates
The Taster Day was a great introduction into what the Teach First Training programme would involve It was a women in leadership session so had multiple talks from inspiring women and some who were alumni of the Teach First training programme There were
Was amazing and very well funded Learnt a lot and met lots of new people Thank you
Day 1 Session on the Teach First mission and values A session on personal development A debate on whether it is right for pupils to be put into sets An introduction to teaching skills based on their main training programme Time to plan ind
We had a timetable for the two days which involved learning competency skills and personal development developing our online LinkedIn profile anf finally planning and presenting a short lesson
we spent two days developing teaching skills as well as our overall professional skills it was great to be surrounded by likeminded individuals with a shared passion for teaching
Going to the Teach First venue and looking at presentations which gave us tips for our CVs and LinkedIn profiles Practicing teaching lessons to Teach First staff and receiving feedback on our teaching styles
Got to meet other students who shared the same passion in teaching Networked and learnt about the teaching sector and how to be a good teacher Learnt about TeachFirst039s values which really aligned with my own Created a presentation and presented i
We had 2 days of sessions spent building our skills introducing us to the company and addressing the wider questions within education
For 2 days we looked at different methods of teaching This involved 2 8 hour zoom calls involving breakout room activities and notetaking Then on day 2 we delivered a 6 minute lesson to a small group of people on the programme giving and receiving
Throughout the two days we were constantly working on our competencies whether through groups tasks in break out rooms or through self evaluation We had a QnA session with two ambassadors who had completed the training programme where we learnt of the
Practise creating a 6 minute lesson Giving self feedback hearing and giving peer feedback Understanding wellbeing diversity and leadership within teaching
A twoday taster programme online Covered a variety of topics such as personal development lesson planning and how to implement diversity representation in the classroom Designed and presented a 6 minute lesson to peers
Hear talks from experienced teachers who have completed the programme Deliver mini lessons and give feedback Development sessions to examine and critical analyse employability skills
We were given teacher and leadership training as well as planning and delivering lessons to other participants
The programme covered what Teach First as a charity does why they exist and what their mission is There were a series of talks about what the graduate scheme involves their work in improving the education system and advice for applying to their grad sc
Really interesting content mini sessions on teaching skills development wellbeing and practising delivering a mini lesson
Various interactive activities involving working with others like taking part in a debate and planning and practicing delivering a lesson Also listening to panels and talks on the skills needed for teaching
Listen to presentation from speakers with regards to teaching take real life scenarios deliberate on them create ideas that would help improve each one had debates practiced teaching a group of pupils There were also session to raise awareness on th