Good super experience I learn a lot
Corporate Finance on Valuation Drivers through not so conventional methods of valuation such as regressions On the side updating benchmarking analysis retrieving data optimization scenarios and capital allocation templates for client pitches
My role is to learn as much as I can about the bank and my team so I can become more commercially aware about what the team do how they collaborate with the other desks and what work they get involved in At 7am and 3pm everyday I have to send out the e
Varies day to day but largely consist on working on my coding project
Financial Management
small admin tasks searching and using database applications
I got assigned projects to work for The projects are very challenging but they are not stressful Moreover I got a chance to build relationship with a lot of people in the company
In a team of 10 most of colleagues are in India helping to push forward a product in Finance by creating different projects Meeting up for sprints and coding most of the time Good hours and really social culture
Work on xml to json conversion using c and REST API
Work on a project for specific team that you are placed in Project can vary massively and can use a very wide range of technologies
Dealing with client requests and preparing presentation materials
Basic support of traders and sales staff
Coding communicating and daily standup with team
Learning about auditing
I really enjoyed my time at Citi I was pleasantly surprised by the sales role that I covered as it is not your typically sales job You have to conduct indepth market analysis to produce a strategy for the sales team to implement and develop as a conseq
Depends on your desk but you assist the sales traders structurers quants or researchers with day to day tasks plus usually a project
Working alongside team to write Python scripts understand business stakeholder requireents
Day to day includes learning about the different teams on the floor as well as being present in team meetings We are encouraged to network daily with people in the bank But everyday is not the same and that039s why it is an exciting place to work
I was able to do 2 rotations as part of my summer internship and my role depended on each rotation but overall the goal was to have a more precise view of what the trading room and the world of banking were like I had to help my team on a daily basis ma
I do some coding help the team with their projects help automate some process