Loved working here gave me very valuable experience
Fantastic staff throughout company however there is a lack of variety in the job and a lot of forced overtime only paid at basic rate
Fast paced but all employees are down to earth upbeat and friendly
a good job with good promotional opportunities but could have a better pay
The experience was invaluable and will really help me in the future
It was very hard work but the team I worked with were great
Very fun but long hours
i loved every second of my internship and even though at times it was a challenge i couldnt recomened enterprise enough
Working with Enterprise has been very enjoyable The colleagues I had worked with have been very supporting and friendly
Everyone at Enterprise is really friendly and take the time to help you out with things you need to know There is a great deal of autonomy for an internship programme which made me feel as a valuable part of a team
There have been days where Ive really hated it but looking back at the internship now it really has been the best placement I could have done
Was a struggle at the start as is very fast paced and had to learn alot straight away but once got hang was very enjoyable
I really enjoyed the work involved in the role At first I felt a bit like I was there to pick up admin work that nobody really wanted to do rather than a Management Intern but I addressed this with my manager and this was resolved While it was not e
Great placement excellent team
The placement was really good in terms of oppertunities to develop yourself and work indepenently
Fantastic job with fantastic responsibilities with hard work you can really go far