My placement year was very enjoyable the team I worked in was great and the people were very supportive My line manager was a great mentor always happy to help and willing to spend time going over things and answering questions I liked the relaxed atm
I really enjoyed it the work was both rewarding and enjoyable I also found the people I worked with motivated me and showed me the best way for me to work There were a lot of learning and development opertunities which you are urged to take to help you
The work environment was very enjoyable and the company culture was very good There was a lot of learning and development opportunities which made my transition from a student to a employee easier
Gave me a real insight into the government sector Met some lovely people and the work load was very manageable A placementinsight gave me the opportunity to see whether I wanted to go into this line of work Others who had not done one commented on ho
The internship was great experience and affirmed my interest in working for GES after I graduate The work was interesting my colleagues were very welcoming