More exciting than several others
The work was monotonous and the office was very isolated Working from a spereate office to my wider team was highly demotivating
I thoroughly enjoyed my experience at Accenture Everyone was very friendly and helpful plus as some many interns are taking on in one go you make friends with your colleagues very easily and have a wealth of people to go to for advice
I have enjoyed my placement at Accenture greatly There are loads of interns so you are in the same boat as others of the same age which means a great social side in the work place
Very good company for a placement experience but unsure if Id want to work here full time
At times it was very stressful and the hours were very long However it was very rewarding
As there are a wide variety of projects and work it can be luck as to where you get placed However the people here are the ones that really make it enjoyable
Steep learning curve but valuable experience
There were highs and lows at all points of the internship At times it was a struggle especially on evenings when I was working until 9pm at night but overall I felt it was enjoyable and I met some great colleagues along the way
It was enjoyable at times but often very hard work
The experience that I got was amazing i was thrown in at the deep end and feel that I have learnt an invaluable amount about working in a large corporate company I can not say that I enjoyed every moment of my placement but overall it was a good experi
I have enjoyed aspects for example learning more about the world of work and learning many useful skills within Excel and other software and I have improved my communication skills However it was slighty to technilogical and I would have prefered to b
Nothing is perfect
This has been a great internship as I have experienced a massive variety of job rolls and the experience is priceless I would recommend this to everyone I know and wouldnt hesistate to do it again if I had the chance
Long periods of little work to do on both projects
While I had opportunities to brush up on my financial knowledge at University I was completely new to natural resourceswhich ia a partucularly technical fieldHowever all of my colleagues were so helpful with regards to me inexperienceand what had poten
Not the ideal project for me but as I got further into the project I enjoyed working with the team
My team made thisi whole experience miles better Great team work huge support and constant invaluable advice