Attended various talks outlining different departments Networking with current graduates and directors Group task involving working with other insight students to produce and present a presentation related to the property industry
Talks from various departments within Savills including Rural Development Property Consulting Investment and Asset Management I throughly enjoyed listening to the directors and graduates talk about their experience at Savills and the different pathways
We had a variety of speakers from different sections within the business give an outline of their day to day jobs as well as an opportunity to ask them a range of questions We also had an opportunity to network with some graduates that have been in a sim
Having an insight into Savills business for a 3 day placement
The overall purpose of the insight was to gain an insight of the workings of the many areas of Savills The days involved presentations from various members of various departments group activities with other members of the Insight programme involving giv
I was given the opportunity to listen to talks by several Savills employees across all sectors and ask them questions I was tasked with producing and delivering a presentation with eight other insight students on what we believed would be the greatest ch
Talks by different departments working on a presentation to present on last day QampA sessions
I found it informative and engaging throughout the day
I thoroughly enjoyed my virtual experience with Savills as it allowed me not only to broaden my knowledge in the different sectors but to also connect and network with those both at senior and graduate level It was particularly interesting to see the
I very much enjoyed the Savills virtual insight programme it was a great opportunity to meet industry professionals and gain knowledge on how Savills works This also gave us the opportunity to meet some like minded people and network of which I thorou
It was good to get more of an idea of what each division involves and also get the chance to ask questions after each lecture
I found the insight day very helpful as it helped me learn more about Savills as a company and how the graduate scheme works The day was very well structured and I now feel much more confident about the APC All of the speakers were extremely encouragin
Massively helpful and plenty of information for me to take on and will no doubt aid me in the future
How insightful and honest the whole experience was Lara was great supper throughout the whole session
Ver interesting with in deapth talks from all department with many opportunities to ask questions
It was very good fun and informative and has cemented the fact that I would like to pursue a carrier with Savills
I really enjoyed the range of tasks I was given as it helped to explore what a career in this area could offer Of course you could never gain a full insight with clients as an intern in a 1week role however I really did enjoy it
I very much enjoyed my placement year I was able to experience a wide range of work and had the opportunity to get stuck in straight away I worked with two teams mainly however due to COVID19 I was able to assist two more as they were very busy which
The placement was an extremely enjoyable experience The company culture office and people are fantastic
Considering the times the summer scheme was enjoyable A good mix of meeting people around the business of varying seniority and getting involved with some real life projects as well as a visit to a site