Daytoday I communicated with lawyers within my department and my assigned buddy to complete tasks with my assigned seat I was able to take time out to network with persons of personal interest
The scheme involved working closely with a supervisor usually an associate and a trainee buddy in your current seat who would assign you tasks and be available more generally to discuss the work the firm or anything else Tasks included conducting rese
Drafting letters research tasks
On a daytoday basis I was given tasks to complete by my trainee buddies and supervisors For example I had the chance to conduct legal research draft a letter to a client analyse a title register and assist with the due diligence process We also t
Everyday was varied On some days there were lunch and learns which were useful sessions where all the vacation scheme students gathered together to learn about a topic for example building your personal brand or pro bono But everyday your supervisor
Over the 2week vacation scheme I was sat into two different practice areas where I got insight into ongoing matters got involved in meetings and was given traineelevel tasks to complete Alongside this there were lunch amp learn sessions where we l
The day to day work involved doing research tasks reviewing contracts inputting contractual clauses and attending presentations which gave further insight into the firm There were networking events involved too
Vacation schemers are assigned to one practice area per week Tasks can be a mix between fictional assignments or genuine assignments that need to be completed for clients The work is often research based There are also opportunities to attend client me
Completed tasks relevant to each seat Attended lunch and learns on pro bono diversity networks and ESG Shadowed meetings and a hearing
Daily tasks included assisting with legal research drafting client letters and responses attending client meetings and writing articles We also had opportunities to learn more about Dentons039 objectives and initiatives during lunch meetings which
Vacation schemers sit in two seats during the experience We were assigned buddies and supervisors for each seat I sat in PRM and Lending and Restructuring General tasks included document drafting client calls case summaries creating bibles and
Each day I was assigned tasks by either my trainee buddy or supervisor These ranged from practical legal work to research tasks that would form the basis of articles These were both equally beneficial as the practical work really provided a taste of wha
I was given tasks by my assigned supervisors and buddy to complete Tasks included researching information on sanctions for a deliverable writing a section of a memorandum for a client on new updates and researching for and proofreading a press release b
The vacation scheme was extremely enjoyable but equally challenging I had the opportunity to assist fee earners with a range of research drafting and other essential legal tasks for a variety of clients in both Banking and Disputes I attended a number
The vacation scheme was a twoweek programme where I spent each week in one department of the firm For me my two weeks were in Dispute Resolution and Banking respectively Daytoday duties include reallife tasks that were sent to me by my supervisors
Day to day life on the vac scheme involved doing tasks such as drafting document review proof reading and research tasks
Many discreet pieces of work to juggle felt useful to the company and challenging Plenty of meetings and talks both introductory and specialist
The Dentons Spring Vacation Scheme entails two weeks of rotations in two different departments at the firm039s offices This will encompass a range of experiences for those partaking in the scheme from completing miscellaneous trainee tasks to drafting
On a day to day basis I was involved in anything that the team I was sitting with needed any assistance on It really depended on what was going on that day Sometimes I worked on live matters which was really interesting and intellectually challenging
I was involved in a range of tasks including research drafting and enhancing my understanding of different provisions I worked with several associates and trainees and had several networking opportunities as well I worked with the Litigation and Arbit