The team was amazing and the job itself is good fun Working on a massive systems has a completely different feeling
The placement was well organised and included lots of intern tailored events to give us a good overview of the company and sector in which it operates This led to an enjoyable learning experience opening my eyes to the financial sector of technology
Good atmosphere professional and friendly colleagues It was worth doing it
I very much enjoyed the experience the work placement and internship as a whole
Was quite good Quite challenging but there was a slightly excessive amount of red tape to cut through on occasion
The internship offered a great chance to see what is it like to work for the company
Thought it was fantastic Great atmosphere great people interesting project
Was an excellent experience learned a lot of new stuff and met a lot of new people
A great overview of the whole business as well as in depth projects within my department Very enjoyable experience and never dull
It was fast paced with alot of work so you really got alot of knowledge out of your experience
It was a good learning experience the team was nice and supportive but I figured out it is not the job I want to do in the future Still it was a valuable experience
I really enjoyed the time in JPM There were lots of new and interesting things happened It was quite hard to start at the beginning but later one after midterm reivew and a few weekly meeting with my manager and team they were very friendly and hones