I am partway through but looking back at the months so far I can say Ive thoroughly enjoyed it so far Using many different pieces of software and helping create things that will be built one day has been exciting and a great way to learn more about
I enjoyed working with the great people at Midlands Campus and had some tasks of relative responsibility
The placement was enjoyable on a daily basis
I thoroughly enjoyed my 4 week internship in the Midlands Campus office Having done an internship at Arup the previous summer the opportunity to work for them again was extremely enriching and I have taken away a lot of valuable experience from my inter
A great office with bright and friendly staff
The work was challenging and the people are really great to work with
I wholly enjoyed my placement as i was able to see the daily functioning of a major construction project through working on the Queensferry Crossing Project This meant i was able learn about various techniques and methods of bridge construction and see
I really enjoyed it and gained a huge amount of knowledge for my final year in University
Colleagues in Arup Nottingham are very friendly and most helpful Time management is stateoftheart for this company as everything is planned out appropriately with no provision for mistakes
My placement was good but only contained a bit of engineering work it was more of a technician role with bit of engineering
The work placement was extremely informative and the office environment was relaxed Because of not living in Manchester a long daily commute was required and it was taking its toll by the end of the internship
I very much enjoyed my internship I was never bored as I had plenty of interesting work to get on with and I got on well with my coworkers
I greatly enjoyed my 6 week placement with Arup I was fully engaged in exciting projects and the work was very interesting and challenging
I would recommend doing an internship or year in industry to everyone I have gained so much on the technical knowledge front as well as putting my self in an advantageous place for the graduate employment race
it was a good job and its something im thinking about doing after i come out of university and so it was useful and enjoyable
I had a great time working with Arup My tasks were consistently engaging and I would highly recommend it to anyone
I really enjoyed the work and liked the people I was working with
A great experience learned a lot about the company and the sector while still working on current projects alongside colleagues
Enjoyed it very much as I worked on three different projects and gained a lot of knowledge including the use of new software packages such as IES
I thought it was brilliant I gained invaluable insight into what its like working as an engineer and what its like working at Arup The people were great as was the atmosphere My colleagues let me get on with my worked undisturbed something which I