Immersive whilst not overly exhausting Enjoyable degree of responsibility
The vacation scheme was a really enjoyable and insightful experience You feel supported all the way through and it is a really good mix of being in the office experiencing the kind of work a trainee does day to day and a variety of social events
Everyone I came across was friendly encouraging and willing to help The work I received was interesting and on the whole I was able to get involved in real client work The trainees made a real effort to make sure the scheme was enjoyable by attending
Very much so I was given responsibility to assist lawyers with real work and numerous socials were organised
I was able to feel very welcome by Graduate Recruitment Trainees and my supervisors from Associates up to Partners
The whole vacation placement is really great The solicitors you get to work with all take a vested interest in you and try and give you interesting work The extra curricular activities is amazing they take you abroad for the day to visit one of their
got to see some very interesting stuff and gave a very good insight into what being a lawyer entails especially in London
I thoroughly enjoyed my vacation scheme at Mayer Brown As with all placements the desire to impress leads to a degree of selfpressure However the genuine downtoearth people who work there immediately put me at ease and ensured that the scheme was b
Mayer Brown is such a welcoming firm and kept us busy with real work on cases and group sessions with partners in the firm We also were invited to a trainee training session which was a real benefit Social nights out with the other vac schemers a trip
It was an enjoyable experience and the weeks flew by
It was challening but enjoyable
The scheme lasted for three weeks and included working in two different departments and visiting the Paris office The Paris trip was really enjoyable
It was very enjoyable
Fantastic insight into the company and daily operations Extensive range of opportunities to get involved in the legal work of both associates and somtimes Partners across the practice areas I felt involed in a range of high profile deals and tasks were
Although there were of course some lulls the work and social schedule comprised to make a very enjoyable and rounded scheme