All the workers were really friendly particularly the trainees who you spend the most time with The firm went to a great effort to organise a lot of social events for us and the other Vac Schemers were really friendly
The vacation scheme was genuinely fantastic and I feel privileged to have been involved in it The opportunity to sit in two different practice areas but also the insight sessions into each practice area meant that we all received a well rounded experienc
A really enjoyable two weeks that went very fast I was kept busy throughout and enjoyed being part of the firm generally from day to day I was particularly interested in learning about the breadth and variation of work undertaken by different practice a
I thoroughly enjoyed my two weeks Getting to know fellow vacation schemers and those who worked at Taylor Wessing the work and extracurricular activities were always good fun
I really enjoyed the vacation scheme as it was well structured and it exposed me to the realities of life as a trainee and the practical application of law I also got to experience the culture of the firm firsthand and it was truly as it is portrayed to
I really enjoyed the insight throughout my two weeks I was able to really understand what lawyers at Taylor Wessing do on a daily basis However there were a few minor things which I think pertain to my personal situation that initially hinde
I thoroughly enjoyed my two week vacation scheme at Taylor Wessing LLP By participating in the scheme I wished to begin to practise some of the fundamental skills required to be a commercial solicitor and to confirm that this firm was the right firm for
Thoroughly The firm has a genuine culture of friendliness and warmth everyone I spoke to or interacted with was happy to answer questions or help with tasks I had been assigned There were plenty of opportunities to mingle with senior members of the fir
I thoroughly enjoyed the vacation scheme for me there was the right balance between getting a feel for the work that is done in the departments that I sat in and also finding out about what the other departments in Taylor Wessing do in addition to hav
I thoroughly enjoyed the 2 weeks The work was interesting the people were all lovely and welcomed me into the team and the atmosphere in the scheme was generally a good one with a great working environment I could have definitely done more time at Ta
The vacation scheme gave me excellent insight into the workings and environment of the firm Everyone that was met at the firm were extermely welcoming and friendly The work I was given was exciting and I felt I was given a good amount of responsibility
It was hard work but rewarding The hours were sometimes long although more often than not we were encouraged to leave on time The people were fantastic very nice but also obviously professional The insight was wellplanned and my fellow vac schemers
Very enjoyable Both informative and engaging an excellent blend of both
The insight day was very enjoyable as the speakers were interesting the information was useful and it was exciting to see the offices and speak to trainees The business game in the afternoon was fun to do and beneficial as it mimics part of the proper
It was a really insightful day and I learned a lot about the culture of Taylor Wessing as well as had an opportunity to speak to current trainees for a genuine answer
I enjoyed it but I did very little work