I received excellent support from colleagues and my line managers and was allowed to manage my own time and do whatever I wanted to gain the most from my internship
I loved it and cant wait to go back next Summer
Great insight into finance retail banking and customer service A lot of diversity in daytoday activities which kept the internship varied and exciting
Boring at times each day was very similar
This very much depended upon your line manager and who was in the office on the day
Learnt a great deal and built strong contacts
I thoroughly enjoyed the task and loved seeing the end result anf how my work was rewarding and of huge benefit to my manager
I enjoyed being given responsibility and that my project actually had a tangible impact
I thoroughly enjoyed my first and second year internship but the second was my favourite Being given real life tasks and responsibilities plus a variety of opportunities from day one was great and helped me achieve a variety of things in such a short s
I thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of the placement and all the learning opportunities that it provided I am confident that this is the business area that I want to specialise in after my degree
Enjoyed it because the work was easy and people were very friendly
I massively enjoyed my palcement HSBC were very supportive of helping me better understand the financial world and aiding me in pursuing my personal interests
My experience was very good overall My business project was challenging but gave me a real chance to use various avenues of research and insight to have a long lasting impact on the operations of the newly developed international team My supervisor was
Not particularly mentally taxing
I really enjoyed working with different people and getting to know various sides of the bank I was quite nervous though at times especially with interactions with customers which was a daunting prospect
I was able to gain a real insight to how the commercial bank works and was involved in projects that were worthwhile to the business