Each day was different We learnt about all the different aspects of fidelity and how you can specialise in each We did presentations each day and received invaluable feedback
Each day there was a presentation on one of fidelitys three main business areas Equities Fixed Income and Multi Assets Thereafter we were set an interactive group task to complete related to each of these asset classes We were also introduced to team
We received presentations on different business areas a different area each day Equity research Multi Asset Fixed Income and were then put into groups to create a group presentation on that subject which was viewed by a member of the business We als
Daily insights into each asset classes followed by group presentations on these assets classes Networking sessions with experts
Each day we had a series of panel tasks whereby we learnt about all the sectors available in Fidelity We also had opportunities to network with current employees and peers along with workshops
Everyday during the program I got to listen to insightful and informative introduction of different business areas of the Fidelity International Besides I got to team up with a random group to work on business cases and do presentations
We took part in interactive presentations and workshops We had the opportunity to present to Fidelity employees and get their feedback on those presentations The presentations offered to us came from experienced employees within each sector allowing us
The virtual experience involved talks from people from different sectors within Asset Management and an opportunity to network with people within the industry as well as other peers It also involved researching and presenting projects with feedback given
An insight into equity multi asset and fixed income Each day we had interactive networking sessions as well as group projects in which we did research into the above sectors We then did group presentations to accumulate our research There were also se
3 days on Zoom ranging from learning about the firm culture to their charitable initiatives to interview and application tips from graduates and other members of recruitment staff Daily group presentations within teams of 7 on fixed income equity an
An inclusive and well structured week A great insight into the various career opportunities available as well as an introduction to different asset classes
The insight week was in asset management and over the course of the day I would listen to multiple talks from people across the organization and complete numerous tasks
Virtual insight programme talks by industry leaders eg DampI wellness CSR group projects across equity research fixed income and multi asset zoom breakout rooms networking sessions across graduate analysts and PMs
It was a 3 day programme and everyday was action packed from 9am5pm We had interactive sessions for each of the asset classes equities multi asset and fixed income which was really enjoyable as well as networking sessions and learnt about Fidelit
Insightful and interesting Introduction about FIL roundly Collaborate with others and give a presentation during the workshop Networking session
The insight involved a presentation where i learned about the different sectors of the investment industry equity research fixed income and real estate
We were given four stocks to research over 10 weeks with training given in the first fortnight The work is challenging varied but enjoyable You are given ample support by your buddy mentor and line manager and the early careers team are always on h
I had a fantastic internship experience The program was run virtually despite covid19 related challenges with HR communicating all relevant changes in a clear and timely manner The program was well structured engaging and thoroughly enjoyable
The internship was amazing Not only we were provided with training courses at the beginning of the internship that helped us get around our first weeks on the desk After that I was given a project to work on during the full duration of the internship