Student Dealer Review

by Southwestern Advantage

This review was submitted over 4 years ago, so some of the information it contains may no longer be relevant.


  • The Role
  • The Company
  • The Culture

    The Role

  • 1. To what extent did you enjoy your work placement or internship?
  • It was a very challenging but highly rewarding summer internship


  • 2. To what extent did you feel valued by your colleagues?
  • You become great friends with amazing people because you are all experiencing the same things and the Student managers are great.


  • 3. To what extent were you given support and guidance by management/your supervisor(s)?
  • The student managers invest a lot of their time in you and talk you through all of the problems and troubles that you will experience. They are amazing in their help, providing great advice and providing you with the oppertunity to follow them and learn all you can.


  • 4. How busy were you on a daily basis?
  • You work about 12-13 hours a day 6 days a week and then on the sundays have sunday meetings with your organisation. So you are occupied entirely, however because it is all about self motivation, you could essentially sit down and do no work if you desired. the choice is entirely yours to make.


  • 5. How much responsibility were you given during your placement?
  • You are responsible for your buisness, therefore you have all of the responsibility. The student managers help out with your accounts and problems when you need it though.


  • 6. To what extent did/will the skills you developed, and training you received, assist you in your degree studies and beyond?
  • The skills you develop in this placement will provide you with amazing skills that can be transfered into any field.


    The Company

  • 7. What was the general atmosphere in your office?
  • It is outdoor in peoples houses, so the atmosphere is what you want to make it, you controlyour attitude.


  • 8. How well organised was the overall work placement or internship set up?
  • This depends entirely on you, your organisation and your organisationaly leaders to how organised you will be.


  • 9. In terms of personal training and development, to what extent did the company or firm invest in you?
  • You have a week or sales training and then every week have private meetings with your managers as well as daily calls on the phone in the evenings to coach you.


  • 10. What were the perks on your work placement?
  • International Travel

    Company Parties/Events


  • 11. How appealing are future employment prospects within the organisation?
  • 3/5

    The Culture

  • 12. Was there a good social scene amongst any fellow placement students/colleagues?
  • Everyone that does this internship is of the same mind, so everyone gets along really well and make friends for life.


  • 13. What was the cost of living and socialising in the area you worked in?
  • This depends entirely on where the company sends you in the US.


  • 14. What was the Nightlife like in the area you worked?
  • We worked most of the time so didn't go out at night often, you can be sent anywhere in america or canada so that depends entirely on where you are sent and what you consider a good nightlife.


  • 15. Were there many opportunities to get involved in activities outside of work?
  • You work too much to get involved in your own stuff, but you are entirely in control of what you do so if you desire you can go and get involved in hundreds of activities- each sunday you go out and do activities in the area's you are with the group you are with.


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September 2011

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