Digital Marketing Assistant Review

by BMW Group UK

This review was submitted over 4 years ago, so some of the information it contains may no longer be relevant.


  • The Role
  • The Company
  • The Culture

    The Role

  • 1. To what extent did you enjoy your work placement or internship?
  • BMW Group UK was a really exciting company to work for, with lots of opportunities to get out of the office and experience agencies, events and more.


  • 2. To what extent did you feel valued by your colleagues?
  • The student roles are full of so much responsibility that colleagues really do value your work.


  • 3. To what extent were you given support and guidance by management/your supervisor(s)?
  • Very much by my immediate managers in marketing, although for my last month my manager had left the business, before he was an amazing mentor.


  • 4. How busy were you on a daily basis?
  • With the exception of the occasional quiet week, I was generally really busy all the time throughout my year.


  • 5. How much responsibility were you given during your placement?
  • I was completely responsible for various projects and ongoing updates within my team.


  • 6. To what extent did/will the skills you developed, and training you received, assist you in your degree studies and beyond?
  • The placement has made my degree worthwhile, giving me some incredible real-world working skills.


    The Company

  • 7. What was the general atmosphere in your office?
  • BMW Group UK has in recent years adopted a flexible working ethos in the office and therefore people have the freedom to work in a way that suits their lifestyle. As a result employees are happier in the workplace and the physical environment, with hot-desking encourages better interactions between different people every day.


  • 8. How well organised was the overall work placement or internship set up?
  • The wasn't a lot in the way of organised 'student-events' but for me that added to the overall experience of being an employee, not an intern.


  • 9. In terms of personal training and development, to what extent did the company or firm invest in you?
  • Due to the large amount of responsibility I felt as though there is a real degree of faith in the students from the business. Over such a long period as well, the information about the business learned is substantial - to the extent that if some students should never come back in to the business, it would feel like a loss to BMW.


  • 10. What were the perks on your work placement?
  • Flexi Time

    National Travel

    Company Parties/Events

    Above 25 days holiday

    Working from home


  • 11. How appealing are future employment prospects within the organisation?
  • Following my placement year I am highly motivated to return to the business.


    The Culture

  • 12. Was there a good social scene amongst any fellow placement students/colleagues?
  • Unfortunately at the start of my placement there was no real assistance in arranging housing with the other students, and social activities were completely organised independently by the students.


  • 13. What was the cost of living and socialising in the area you worked in?
  • Farnborough and the surrounding areas of Berkshire and Surrey are very expensive - particularly housing. There are few bars and busy towns - but London can be reached in 30-50 minutes from most places.


  • 14. What was the Nightlife like in the area you worked?
  • Very limited and no very appealing nightlife, Reading or London are the closest options.


  • 15. Were there many opportunities to get involved in activities outside of work?
  • Limited.


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Placement (10 Months+)

South West

June 2017

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