Intern PT-36 Apprentice Training Review

by BMW Group UK

This review was submitted over 4 years ago, so some of the information it contains may no longer be relevant.


  • The Role
  • The Company
  • The Culture

    The Role

  • 1. To what extent did you enjoy your work placement or internship?
  • I really enjoyed my placement at MINI UK in Oxford. I had a very nice department and the jobs I had were very diverse. Sometimes I got some creative tasks and other days I had tasks, that dealt with numbers and computer works. I was never bored and I also had the chance to experience some things despite from my own department.


  • 2. To what extent did you feel valued by your colleagues?
  • I felt very valued by my colleagues. They always told me that I am an important member of the team. They integrated me very well in their team and I know that I will really miss my colleagues. I could always ask them for every help that I needed and they always supported me, whereever they could. I could not imagine any better colleagues.


  • 3. To what extent were you given support and guidance by management/your supervisor(s)?
  • The support and guidance I experienced was very good. Although my manager wasn't always around, I could always contact him with every question I had. In the start of my internship, he explained to me very well, what my tasks and projects were, but I could also always ask him in between and got some more help and guidance.


  • 4. How busy were you on a daily basis?
  • I was quite busy in my internship. Of course, that was a little bit depending on the week, but in general I can say, that I was busy. I had a big project to work on and I also had some day to day tasks, that were urgent and had to be completed. In the first weeks I was not so busy, but that was very good, because I had enough time, to get to know everything and everyone.


  • 5. How much responsibility were you given during your placement?
  • I was given quite a lot of responsibility during my internship. I had two projects, I had to manage on my own and made my own decisions about these projects. Further more, I had to do several presentations in front of some senior managers, which I prepared on my own.


  • 6. To what extent did/will the skills you developed, and training you received, assist you in your degree studies and beyond?
  • I am quite sure, I learned a lot of things in my internship, which I am able to use in my studies and my further job. For example I learned quite a lot about the processes in an international big company. Furthermore I improofed my communication and presentation skills quite a lot, which helps me especially for being a teacher. Moreover I improofed my english, which will always help me.


    The Company

  • 7. What was the general atmosphere in your office?
  • The atmosphere in my office was always great. My colleagues were always very helpful and supportive. There was always a time of the day, where you could have some fun and tell some jokes, but there was also a time, where it was quite and you had the chance to progress with your tasks.


  • 8. How well organised was the overall work placement or internship set up?
  • The set up of my internship was organised very well. Although it was quite spontanously, I recieved my contract 2 weeks after I was offered the job. When I arrived, everything was set up for me. I had an IT account, my own laptop and there was also preparen and induction package for me, which contained a map of the plant, the most important hints and tips and a workwear ordering form.


  • 9. In terms of personal training and development, to what extent did the company or firm invest in you?
  • There was not really a lot of training, I could take part in, unless one workshop, where I learned about new methods or working and agile working groups. But I had the chance, to have a look at the teaching within the apprentice school and also got the chance, to prepare and manage my own lesson, which was very helpful for me as a future teacher.


  • 10. What were the perks on your work placement?
  • Flexi Time

    Subsidised Canteen

    Subsidised/Company Gym

    Company Parties/Events

    Staff Sales/Staff Shop

    Above 25 days holiday


  • 11. How appealing are future employment prospects within the organisation?
  • If I am honest, I didn't really care about the future employment prospects, because my plan is to become a teacher in germany. I would maybe be interested in being an apprentice trainer for some years in a company, but I am not really interested in a long term contract.


    The Culture

  • 12. Was there a good social scene amongst any fellow placement students/colleagues?
  • The social scene whithin the interns of BMW was great. There were approximatly 70 interns at the time, when I was at BMW. We met every thursday and went out for drinks in a pub. We also met for other activities, like paintball, carting and bowling. Sometimes we went out for a club night at the weekend and we also met for lunch quite often.


  • 13. What was the cost of living and socialising in the area you worked in?
  • The costs of living are quite high in Oxford. That is the reason, why you nearly need all of your payment for food and accomodation. But there are some quite cheap pubs, which you can go to, so socialising costs aren't to high. Also some activities, like cinema or bowling aren't to expensive, so socialising is still possible, if you are able to get any financial support from home.


  • 14. What was the Nightlife like in the area you worked?
  • The nightlife in Oxford is really good. There are several culbs, but they can be quite expensive. Because Oxford is a city of students, there are partys nearly every night, you can go to. If you do not like clubs, you can also go to pubs, but it is quite likely, that they close really early.


  • 15. Were there many opportunities to get involved in activities outside of work?
  • There are quite a few opportunities to get involven in. For example there is an on side gym, which is very cheap and you do not have to make a contract for a lot of months, but can cancel it every month. Moreover you can rent cars for the weekends. This is free, because you are testing them for the company, but you have to do a minimum mileage, which is quite high.


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Internship (1 Month+)

Economics, Education/Teaching


December 2018

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