Summer Scheme Review

by Savills

Best Student Employer

This review was submitted over 4 years ago, so some of the information it contains may no longer be relevant.


  • About You
  • The Company
  • Everything Else

    About You

  • 1. To what extent did you enjoy the insight?
  • I enjoyed the experience of working as


  • 2. To what extent did you feel valued during your time at the company or firm?
  • My team gave me valuable work which made me feel like I was contributing to the company. The work was in line with my level of experience and became harder as the scheme went on and as I learnt more along the way. The immediate team was supportive and helpful and the wider events held by the company for summer schemers made us feel as if we were an important element in the future growth of the company.


  • 3. How much guidance/support did you receive during the insight?
  • I was assigned a mentor and a senior director to supervise me, but the team I was working with were helpful as whole so I felt I could easily ask questions whenever I had a problem. The company also held other talk for all summer schemers about wider company life, guiding us through the next application processes if we wished to do so.


  • 4. To what extent did/will the skills you developed, and information you received, assist you in your degree studies and beyond?
  • I felt I didn't develop individual skills but more an awareness of the skills I already have and those I have yet to work on, knowing Excel inside out is a great asset! the information I received gave me a bounty of resources to sift through in the event of doing a dissertation on the property industry.


    The Company

  • 5. How well structured was the insight?
  • I felt the insight scheme was well structured with all members of the company being aware of the recruitment workings, and being given work to do suited to my level. There was a clear progression throughout the scheme geared towards us getting to know each other and the company better al9ong the way.


  • 6. How was the general atmosphere during your insight?
  • The atmosphere was a bit of a shock to me. Everyone was kind and friendly, but as I had never worked in an office before the openness of the room and office talk took a while to get used too. I think Savills is more laid back in strictness than other competing companies though.


  • 7. In terms of personal training and development, to what extent did the company or firm invest in you?
  • They invested a lot of time in getting to know me in the recruitment process, then once on board my mentor always took time to go through my work with me and make sure I understood everything as well as develop wider knowledge of the project we were working on. The company itself also designed a scheme which valued us through payment, networking events and sociability.


  • 8. To what extent did the insight help you to understand what it would be like to have a full time role with the company or firm?
  • It gave me a very good insight into what it would be like to work here. I spoke to many employees from many different departments and although I had my fair share of boring spread sheets to fill out, I was also given access to information on higher level work which motivated me to work harder to get there.


  • 9. How much did the insight help you in understanding the company culture?
  • From working here a month I feel I have a real feel for the general atmosphere of the company and how each employee is treated. no complaints.


  • 10. How valuable was the content in helping you to decide on your future career path?
  • The most valuable part of the experience was not the content I was doing but the access to seeing the content of what other people were doing at a higher level. From seeing what my team were doing and how they worked together it made me start thinking about if I would want to do it on a day to day basis too.


    Everything Else

  • 11. Were you paid or reimbursed adequately for this experience?
  • I was payed mininmum wage and all expenses covered. I consider it fair pay as I felt I gained more from the experience than I feel I contributed to the company and in addition to work, many other events were organised within the scheme which were all funded in full by the company.

  • 12. Were there opportunities for networking and meeting other employees of the company or firm?
  • Plenty. There were two official networking events, then plenty of opportunities to arrange private meetings if we so wished. When I took them up on the offer, my mentor was really helpful in setting up a day for me to work in a different department.


  • 13. How were the networking/ social event opportunities?
  • Well designed so we could meet the most people possible from different departments and different ranks within the company.


  • 14. Did you find out about activities that employees can get involved in outside of work?
  • Charity, sport, art there's a lot of stuff to get stuck into if you have the time for it!


  • 15. Would you recommend this insight to a friend?
  • yes


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Insight / Vacation Scheme (< 4 Weeks)


July 2019

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