Participant Review

by Jefferies International

This review was submitted over 4 years ago, so some of the information it contains may no longer be relevant.


  • About You
  • The Company
  • Everything Else

    About You

  • 1. To what extent did you enjoy the virtual experience?
  • Despite a few technical issues, the event itself was carried out very smoothly. The technical issues didn’t affect how much I learnt from the experience. It was great being able to still interact and see others during a time like this. Although we couldn’t network as much as we would be able to during a face to face event, I still felt as if I gained a valuable insight in to the firm and their values.


  • 2. To what extent did you feel valued during your time at the company or firm?
  • Since the event was virtual, it was difficult to get a personal connection with anyone during the event, however from the question and answer sessions, the staff were extremely informative and friendly. They also expanded on how the firm values everyone’s suggestions and they also gave examples of where they had been to an MD and their idea was heard, despite being an analyst only. This is possible due to their exposure to seniors in the firm.


  • 3. How much guidance/support did you receive during the virtual experience?
  • The event really helped gain a deeper insight in to equity and investment banking, clarifying what each division does and how that changes their personal experiences. We were also informed about the importance of diversity and how the firm sticks by their colleagues against any discrimination, whether it be in the firm itself or another country. They also emphasised the importance of diversity in creating innovative solutions and the efforts they have made to ensure women progress on to higher positions as well.


  • 4. To what extent did/will the skills you developed, and information you received, assist you in your degree studies and beyond?
  • I strongly felt the information I received will help me in my future interviews, role selection and progression. The panel members discussed how important it is to keep up with the news and informed us about the application process as well. This will help when applying for internships or graduate roles as I will be better prepared. I also understood the values the firm stands by and this will help ensure I am suitable for the firm too.


    The Company

  • 5. How well structured was the virtual experience?
  • The event was organised very well: starting with general information about the firms values and its awards going onto a more detailed presentation. We also had many opportunities to ask questions, which was very helpful. Everyone during the event was muted unless they were elected to ask questions and this ensured it wasn’t chaotic while giving everyone a chance to speak. Despite a technical issue during the event, the recruitment team handled the issue quickly and efficiently.


  • 6. How was the general atmosphere during your virtual experience?
  • Having the event in person would’ve been much better, but considering we are in the middle of a pandemic, the efforts the team from Jefferies had put in to ensure we receive valuable information, is very commendable. The panel members were extremely responsive and positive, which helps encourage students to ask more questions and engage with them better. Since we couldn’t hear the students unless they asked a question, it was difficult to engage with them. However, overall really happy with the experience.


  • 7. In terms of personal training and development, to what extent did the company or firm invest in you?
  • We didn’t receive much personal training, once again due to the event being online, but I felt the panel members were very keen to help us and they answered all the questions asked. However, we did get advised on how to develop ourselves (reading in to the market and keeping up with the more generic news as well). The fact that Jefferies held this event in quarantine itself emphasises how much they invested in us.


  • 8. To what extent did the virtual experience help you to understand what it would be like to have a full time role with the company or firm?
  • Since the event was virtual, it was difficult to gain a deep insight into particular deals, how they work etc, but they held a ‘typical day in the life of an analyst’ session where we could understand their roles and the work they do on a daily basis much better. We also had exposure to 6 different panel members in 3 different sectors, so we could get a diverse understanding of their work life too.


  • 9. How much did the virtual experience help you in understanding the company culture?
  • I got a very deep understanding of the firms culture and their values which I resonate with as well. They emphasised how they value diversity and entrepreneurship, which I believe is very important as well. Everyone in the firm stick together as one when it comes to fighting against discrimination and they are never forced to do anything anywhere where they feel they will be uncomfortable due to different values (in a different country for example).


  • 10. How valuable was the content in helping you to decide on your future career path?
  • The content helped me secure my decision of setting foot in to the investment banking world. They explained the differences between the sectors well to help us understand where we would be more suited. They also explained their culture and their day to day work which also helps us decide whether working in the chosen sector is the right decision for us because of the difficult hours, stressful work life and how progression in the career affects you.


    Everything Else

  • 11. Were you paid or reimbursed adequately for this experience?
  • Since this was just a diversity event, we weren’t paid. From my understanding, you are only paid for internships and not insight days etc because they do not count as working for the company. But if you aren’t paid for an internship then you can claim money for it after. However, the event I had attended wasn’t considered as working - it was a 4 hour event and for only 1 day, to network with employees.

  • 12. Were there opportunities for networking and meeting other employees of the company or firm?
  • We were given the opportunity to ask questions to panel members at various times in the day. This was the majority of our networking option because it was a virtual event. We were unable to talk to employees in a conversational manner because of the time constraint and it not being face to face. Despite technical hindrances, we were still able to engage with employees and hear about their experiences through asking questions aimed at them.


  • 13. How were the networking/ social event opportunities?
  • We were able to ask questions to the panel members and other employees, so that was one kind of networking opportunity. However, we didn’t have the chance to engage with other students similar to us because everyone was muted until they were chosen to ask a question. We were able to interact with some panel members if we were chosen to ask the question but if not, then again we were slightly limited to networking opportunities.


  • 14. Did you find out about activities that employees can get involved in outside of work?
  • Again, since this was a virtual event, we were restricted by time and so didn’t get the opportunity to have a conversation with employees and what they get up to outside of work. They did, however, inform us of typical extra curricular activities they had participated in, which would set them apart. We were also told about days during the year, where employees are given the chance to support charities that they are interested in.


  • 15. Would you recommend this virtual experience to a friend?
  • I would definitely recommend this experience to a friend because of the understanding I have been equipped with after attending this event. Jefferies also let you participate in the opportunity of being selected for an accelerated interview for the Summer 2021 Internship, which would be very useful for many. An opportunity as such is very rare and so i would recommend others to take part in such an event to be considered for an opportunity like that.


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Internship (1 Month+)

Investment Banking


July 2020

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