Business Insight
Your Impressions
- 1. Please give an overview of the insight and what was involved on a day-to-day basis.
- 2. Have you learnt any new skills or developed existing skills?
- How would you rate the training provided during your experience?
- How would you rate the knowledge learned around industry-specific skills during the experience?
- How would you rate the knowledge learned around personal or professional skills during the experience?
- Please rate how the knowledge learned has helped you with regards to your career development
- 3. What was it like understanding all about the business and potential roles available?
- Please rate how insightful you found the insight
- How would you rate the structure of the insight
- How would you rate business leader involvement during the insight
- 4. What was the company culture and general atmosphere like?
- How would you rate the inclusiveness of the culture?
- How would you rate the networking opportunities?
- Please rate how valued you felt during your insight?
- 5. To what extent did you enjoy the insight?
- Please rate your level of enjoyment on the insight
- Please rate how your experience met your expectations
- Please rate the future employment prospects at Gateley
- 7. Would you recommend Gateley to a friend?
- 8. What tips or advice would you give to others applying to Gateley
Throughout the week, I completed tasks in several departments at Gateley, including Corporate, Banking, Restructuring and Construction.
Definitely! I’ve learnt how to draft Share Purchase Agreements, use legal software like Clarilis, and write advisory notes to clients.
Business Insight
It was fantastic to get an insight into so many different departments at Gateley. I feel like we were very indulged during the scheme as typically you would only do work for one department during a Vacation Scheme.
Extremely welcoming. I approached several partners and asked them if we could meet and have a chat!
Your Impressions
I loved every moment!
Definitely connect with trainees and partners on LinkedIn when completing your application. They are so keen to help you understand the firm and give you advice!
Insight / Vacation Scheme (< 4 Weeks)
Commercial Law
West Midlands
June 2021