Business Insight
Your Impressions
- 1. Please give an overview of the insight and what was involved on a day-to-day basis.
- 2. Have you learnt any new skills or developed existing skills?
- How would you rate the training provided during your experience?
- How would you rate the knowledge learned around industry-specific skills during the experience?
- How would you rate the knowledge learned around personal or professional skills during the experience?
- Please rate how the knowledge learned has helped you with regards to your career development
- 3. What was it like understanding all about the business and potential roles available?
- Please rate how insightful you found the insight
- How would you rate the structure of the insight
- How would you rate business leader involvement during the insight
- 4. What was the company culture and general atmosphere like?
- How would you rate the inclusiveness of the culture?
- How would you rate the networking opportunities?
- Please rate how valued you felt during your insight?
- 5. To what extent did you enjoy the insight?
- Please rate your level of enjoyment on the insight
- Please rate how your experience met your expectations
- Please rate the future employment prospects at Deloitte
- 7. Would you recommend Deloitte to a friend?
- 8. What tips or advice would you give to others applying to Deloitte
The resource manager in my office assigned me onto a variety of audit projects working with different teams. My primary role was to support the teams I was working with, in terms of the planning stage of the audit. This involved using my knowledge of frameworks to conduct an effective position audit and industry analysis. This role was important in helping Deloitte comply with audit standards. I was also introduced to testing some FS items. Deloitte also arranged very fun networking and social events for the evenings.
Since I was assigned to a number of different projects that I was required to work on simultaneously, I have been able to develop strong time management skills. Furthermore, my line manager provided me with many opportunities to present. For example, I presented on the future of audit. This task enabled me to develop strong research, analytical and communication skills. Engaging with the various social events that Deloitte arranged has helped me to develop confidence.
Business Insight
My line manager encouraged me to participate in the different networking events arranged by Deloitte. This allowed me to interact with colleagues across the business and working at different offices. I was able to learn about the roles performed in each of the different business lines. I found it interesting to learn about how the audit department is very interrelated to the other departments. I was also clearly informed about the potential roles available to me.
I loved the culture at Deloitte since everyone was very friendly and supportive. I knew that whenever I had a question, there would always be someone who I could contact for help. Therefore, Deloitte's culture has allowed me to learn a lot and to grow. Deloitte is also very collaborative. For example, lots of the projects that I was working on involved interacting with colleagues from all over the business so I built strong relationships and learnt a lot.
Your Impressions
I thoroughly enjoyed the insight. I was able to fit in very well with Deloitte's culture and as a result I was able to learn a lot and develop very important skills to help me grow. The work that I was doing was also very interesting and my team ensured that I had an important role in ensuring a successful delivery of the audit projects. Therefore, I felt very valued. I would definitely want to return to Deloitte.
Deloitte had a very competitive process to get a place on the summer internship. Therefore, I think that it is very important to stand out and to do this you must be authentic. Deloitte is very diverse, there isn't just one type of person working there. Therefore, when answering interview questions make sure to be yourself. Another good tip for interviews, is to prepare lots of different competencies in advance and understand the role that you are applying for.
Insight / Vacation Scheme (< 4 Weeks)
November 2021