Investment Banking FIG - Intern Review

by Jefferies International


  • Skills
  • Responsibilities
  • Support & Guidance
  • Culture
  • Your Impressions


  • 1. Please give an overview of your role and what this involves on a day-to-day basis.
  • I was an intern in the FIG division, my role was to help on mainly ppt presentations, excel modelling and data entry regarding internal proposals for opportunities in Banking, Insurance and Bancassurance sectors (both Italian and European). I also had the possibility to follow a buy-side project (Jefferies was co-advisor) regarding the merchant acquiring business of a Spanish bank where the buy side advised was an Italian Payment company.


  • 2. Have you learnt any new skills, or developed your existing skills?
  • - Development of soft skills: communication, teamwork, problem-solving and critical thinking. - Drastically improved in the use of PPT and Excel - Increase my knowledge of FIG sector (in particular regarding insurance, Banking, Reinsurance, Bancassurance) - Improved my quality of work under multiple aspects(importance to details, presentations skills and more efficiency) - Learned how to deal with multiple tasks at the same time without reducing the quality of the work

  • How would you rate the training provided during your experience?
  • 5/5

  • How would you rate your development of industry-specific skills during the experience?
  • 5/5

  • How would you rate your development of personal / soft skills during the experience?
  • 5/5

  • Please rate how these skills have helped you in your career development
  • 5/5


  • 3. Were you given much responsibility during your placement / internship?
  • I had responsability during the entire internship but at the same time I could always rely on the help of the entire team that was always fully available and happy to give me clarifications on everything that wasn't clear for me

  • Please rate how meaningful the work you were doing was
  • 4/5

    Support & Guidance

  • 4. How much support and guidance did you receive during your placement / internship?
  • I was always supported by the entire team in every moment, they were happy to give me clarifications and to answer to every question I had.

  • How would you rate the support and guidance from your line manager?
  • 5/5

  • How would you rate the support and guidance from the wider team?
  • 5/5


  • 5. What was the company culture and general atmosphere like?
  • The company works and behave exactly like a family. No internal toxic competition, everyone is always there to help the others, you work hard but you do it with people that will always be there to help you and give you guidance.

  • How would you rate the inclusiveness of the culture?
  • 5/5

  • How would you rate the social opportunities?
  • 5/5

  • How would you rate the diversity initiatives?
  • 5/5

  • How would you rate the charity, sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives?
  • 5/5

    Your Impressions

  • 6. To what extent did you enjoy your placement / internship?
  • This was the best possible working experience I could ever wished. I worked hard, developed some existing skills and most importantly learned new ones. I drastically enhanced my knowledge regarding the IB sector and in particular the FIG sector, I worked with an amazing group of people, I could not find anything disappointing regarding this experience. The support you receive by the company is great and you will be given the possibility to prove yourself to your team

  • Please rate your level of enjoyment on your placement / internship
  • 5/5

  • Please rate how your experience met your expectations
  • 5/5

  • Please rate the future employment prospects at Jefferies International
  • 5/5

  • 7. Would you recommend Jefferies International to a friend?
  • Yes

  • 8. What advice would you give to others applying to Jefferies International
  • Be ready to work hard, during the internship process show that you are an hard worker but also show that you are an interesting person, the company values a lot the human side of each employee. In case you will have the opportunity to do the internship ask as many questions as possible, try to get in touch with as many people as you can (ask people if they want to grab a coffee, or if they want have a quick chat). You will meet great people in Jefferies with great stories to tell you, and be ready to tell your story too. Knowing new people and staying in touch with them is certainly one of the most important thing to do during these months.

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Internship (1 Month+)



August 2022

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