Compliance Analyst Review

by BMW Group UK


  • Skills
  • Responsibilities
  • Support & Guidance
  • Culture
  • Your Impressions


  • 1. Please give an overview of your role and what this involves on a day-to-day basis.
  • In my role, I get involved with investigations into fraud, money laundering, stolen vehicles, victims of impersonation and seized vehicles, which can be super interesting! Day to day I may encounter tasks such as checking forms of ID for their legitimacy, reviewing applications for new finance and liaising with police, enforcement, solicitors, recovery agents and internal teams to resolve issues. I am responsible for collating information and presenting this in the form of legal documents and making sure our customers' data is protected.


  • 2. Have you learnt any new skills, or developed your existing skills?
  • Every day has been different. I have been lucky enough to experience different networking events and visiting other teams on other sites. Most recently, I have had the incredible opportunity for the team and I to visit one of our manufacturing plants in Oxford. This trip was super insightful into what hard work goes into making our quality products and the technology we have available to do so. There are so many areas which I wish to develop, grow and improve upon which is personally quite motivating. These last few months I have shown that I can use my transferrable skills to approach problem solving, make logical and reasoned decisions with attention to detail and communicate effectively. I am learning the ability to be diligent with my time and make sure I use the time given to its full advantage. This has demanded me to be incredibly organized and balanced with tasks, making sure I prioritize what is needed and raise or escalate any issues where I may need further support. In addition to this, I am becoming more aware of the position I am in and the requirements from our regulator in financial services. I am navigating and exploring more into my analysis skills and how effectively I can review data or patterns which is something I hope to keep working at to support my apprenticeship.

  • How would you rate the training provided during your experience?
  • 5/5

  • How would you rate your development of industry-specific skills during the experience?
  • 5/5

  • How would you rate your development of personal / soft skills during the experience?
  • 5/5

  • Please rate how these skills have helped you in your career development
  • 5/5


  • 3. Were you given much responsibility during your placement / internship?
  • During the course of my apprenticeship, I have been given a lot of responsibility and this is very motivating for me as my team is constantly supporting me in all areas of the role. I have been provided with the correct and appropriate training to complete the tasks set and believe it has been super rewarding to be given so much responsibility and opportunity. I love getting involved with the big fraud cases and having the responsibility to manage my own cases has been very interesting and keeps me very engaged.

  • Please rate how meaningful the work you were doing was
  • 5/5

    Support & Guidance

  • 4. How much support and guidance did you receive during your placement / internship?
  • At my company, networking between colleagues is supported and increasingly encouraged. I work in a close team of about seven people including financial crime analysts and managers, while being part of a wider compliance team. We communicate and work alongside many other internal teams, thus encouraging the importance of networking. I found this invaluable as we can learn so much from each other and the other teams we work alongside with as everyone has different experiences. My colleagues always show a willingness to support my learning which is reassuring, while I also am offered support from my tutors and peers that attend classes with me.

  • How would you rate the support and guidance from your line manager?
  • 5/5

  • How would you rate the support and guidance from the wider team?
  • 4/5


  • 5. What was the company culture and general atmosphere like?
  • The culture at BMW is friendly, welcoming and supportive. I have a friendly team that I fit in well with and enjoy working alongside them. I value all their existing knowledge in the role and experiences they have had. The facilities and resources available to carry out your job role is excellent and I feel comfortable working in the office and at home - there is always someone to help you with any query you have!

  • How would you rate the inclusiveness of the culture?
  • 5/5

  • How would you rate the social opportunities?
  • 5/5

  • How would you rate the diversity initiatives?
  • 5/5

  • How would you rate the charity, sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives?
  • 5/5

    Your Impressions

  • 6. To what extent did you enjoy your placement / internship?
  • I am in my first year out of four on placement with BMW and I have loved every minute so far. Changing from an educational environment to one of professionalism and status has been a huge developmental step which has demonstrated to me my strengths and weaknesses. I have met so many new people of all different ages and backgrounds and learnt so much for personal growth and setting my foundations for my career path

  • Please rate your level of enjoyment on your placement / internship
  • 5/5

  • Please rate how your experience met your expectations
  • 5/5

  • Please rate the future employment prospects at BMW Group UK
  • 5/5

  • 7. Would you recommend BMW Group UK to a friend?
  • Yes

  • 8. What advice would you give to others applying to BMW Group UK
  • - Think about your CV and how it represents you as a person - try and stand out with it, you want to make a good first impression and they will notice the details! - In the interview process, remain confident in yourself and explain things in detail - they will want to understand you and how you manage different situations to see what course would suit you best! Preparation for the interviews will pay off - Do your research on the brand - they wont expect you to know everything or for you to even love cars, they just want to see somebody who is eager to learn because that is what the placement is all about! - Don't dismiss a role or opportunity if it seems out of your comfort zone - Compliance wasn't a role I was familiar with prior to application and thus did some research on it before applying to fully understand the expectations

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Placement (10 Months+)

Financial Management, Audit, Business Operations

South East

April 2023

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