Business Insight
Your Impressions
- 1. Please give an overview of the insight and what was involved on a day-to-day basis.
- 2. Have you learnt any new skills or developed existing skills?
- How would you rate the training provided during your experience?
- How would you rate the knowledge learned around industry-specific skills during the experience?
- How would you rate the knowledge learned around personal or professional skills during the experience?
- Please rate how the knowledge learned has helped you with regards to your career development
- 3. What was it like understanding all about the business and potential roles available?
- Please rate how insightful you found the insight
- How would you rate the structure of the insight
- How would you rate business leader involvement during the insight
- 4. What was the company culture and general atmosphere like?
- How would you rate the inclusiveness of the culture?
- How would you rate the networking opportunities?
- Please rate how valued you felt during your insight?
- 5. To what extent did you enjoy the insight?
- Please rate your level of enjoyment on the insight
- Please rate how your experience met your expectations
- Please rate the future employment prospects at Deloitte
- 7. Would you recommend Deloitte to a friend?
- 8. What tips or advice would you give to others applying to Deloitte
As an intern, I was exposed to the basic aspects of auditing. I had to write up meeting minutes. I found this really fun and a good way to introduce me (a complete beginner) in to the audit field. I also had the opportunity to perform disclosure testing, undergo file checks, and perform materiality tasks. All of these activities really made me understand what audit is about and the importance of the work that I do being accurate. I love how the work that I perform - no matter how small - contributes to a bigger picture.
I learnt a lot of audit terminology during my internship. I came in with zero knowledge but I ended up becoming much more knowledgable about a lot of things. I learnt what each abbreviated term stands for and their purpose. Another thing I learnt was how to navigate through complex softwares to perform the audits. It took be a few days to get the hang of it but I am know smarter than I was before - digitally.
Business Insight
It was overwhelming at first. That's how all the other interns would feel no doubt. But thankfully I had a lovely manager who was so kind to explain how the business operates, company expectations, and potential for development and growth. My coworkers were also very helpful, they helped me during times where my manager couldnt.
Very positive. Very supporting and encouraging.
Your Impressions
on a scale of 1 to 10, it would be a 9
Go for it. It's not as scary or competitive as you may think
Insight / Vacation Scheme (< 4 Weeks)
North West
July 2023