
  • Skills
  • Responsibilities
  • Support & Guidance
  • Culture
  • Your Impressions


  • 1. Please give an overview of your role and what this involves on a day-to-day basis.
  • My job was to work closely with my manager and the department team. Attending, leading and organising meeting on the weekly bases, as well as being in charge or sending out agendas and minutes of the minutes to the participants. Working on individual tasks and projects given by the leadership team. doing daily admin tasks and collecting quality data.


  • 2. Have you learnt any new skills, or developed your existing skills?
  • I have improved in many ways during my 13 month placement. I have learnt how to use a CAD application CATIA 5V. I have improved my skills in; Excel, Word, Web page design, MiniTab. I have learned how to manage my time well, working as a team and individually.

  • How would you rate the training provided during your experience?
  • 4/5

  • How would you rate your development of industry-specific skills during the experience?
  • 5/5

  • How would you rate your development of personal / soft skills during the experience?
  • 5/5

  • Please rate how these skills have helped you in your career development
  • 5/5


  • 3. Were you given much responsibility during your placement / internship?
  • yes, I was given a lot of freedom to get as much out of the internship as I could. I was given a lot of room to advance and improve in all professional work place aspects. I was taught how to work with in a team. as well as how to organise myself to complete a task or a project effectively.

  • Please rate how meaningful the work you were doing was
  • 4/5

    Support & Guidance

  • 4. How much support and guidance did you receive during your placement / internship?
  • I have gotten a lot of support from my departments leadership team and especially my manager. in a fast paced environment such as a factory, everyone has a lot of things to do and a lot of things to solve as soon astray come up. so I am very thankful that my team took some time out of their busy days to help me out and teach me.

  • How would you rate the support and guidance from your line manager?
  • 5/5

  • How would you rate the support and guidance from the wider team?
  • 5/5


  • 5. What was the company culture and general atmosphere like?
  • everyone is extremely friendly and are ready to help. that is something that I did not expect at all when coming into the company. but when I got to move around the business and talk to a lot of people from different background and departments, I learned that everyone is extremely keen on helping each other.

  • How would you rate the inclusiveness of the culture?
  • 5/5

  • How would you rate the social opportunities?
  • 4/5

  • How would you rate the diversity initiatives?
  • 4/5

  • How would you rate the charity, sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives?
  • 4/5

    Your Impressions

  • 6. To what extent did you enjoy your placement / internship?
  • 10/10. this past 13 months have probably been the best personal development, work professionalism building months. I have enjoyed every second of it.

  • Please rate your level of enjoyment on your placement / internship
  • 5/5

  • Please rate how your experience met your expectations
  • 5/5

  • Please rate the future employment prospects at BMW Group UK
  • 5/5

  • 7. Would you recommend BMW Group UK to a friend?
  • Yes

  • 8. What advice would you give to others applying to BMW Group UK
  • be open minded. as an intern you are not tied to a single department/team. you have a lot of freedom to go around the business and see and learn what you like and don't like.

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Placement (10 Months+)


South West

August 2023

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